the brilliantly simple. started out as a one-man experiment of loop pedals and sample pads. Through obvious restrictions and the longing for that full-band essence, a four-friend collective formed what it is today – an abrasive indie rock outfit from in and around the Surrey Hills. Without claiming to be innovative, we endeavour to deliver a pleasing concoction of big sounds with occasional climax, tranquil breakdowns and meaningful lyrics. We wholly hope you enjoy it.x

Nothing finer by the brilliantly simple

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

It’s been a day of learning. But I suppose, isn’t any?

Many a fact, opinion, story and update have plummeted sharply into my brain today. The positive and negatively charged particles of information have been fizzing around my head, colliding, splicing and dicing with each other, whilst I’m meant to be marketing West Nottinghamshire College. It’s highly distracting.

Some news has been easier to cope with than others, like Jordan and big Pete Andre finally splitting up. I think I solemnly cared there for a little while when I read this, perhaps it’s because he once drank in the Lincoln Arms, Dorking. This story has held hands in the headlines with David Cameron yelling at his MPs about paying back their expenses, or they’d consequently lose the whip. Cameron; whip; yelling – it’s a fun image, I’ll give him that. I cared about these expenses that MPs are claiming for a couple of days this week, until today, because Stephen Fry told me not to ( now it doesn’t seem that much of a big deal anymore.

My lunch break wasn’t much of what the name might suggest, reading Bill Bryson’s Short History of Nearly Everything doesn’t exactly give you the mental relaxation a lunchtime provides. Off the top of my head, did you know that the crater the dinosaur-bashing meteorite left was initially thought to be in Manson, Iowa? It was roughly 20 miles wide and 3 miles deep. But later that turned out to be wrong? You knew? Apologies, I shall store a worthier fact in the future. But still… makes you think. As does the fact an 89 year-old ‘Nazi guard’ is about to begin a trial for his contributions to slaughtering 29,000 Jews during WW2. He deserves everything coming to him. But, what is? All I can think is he’s going to be dead very soon, natural causes or not. Scary stuff. What’s also scary is that the Jordan and Peter story was considered more important news than this in a lot of publications. Is Jordan secretly a Nazi? Can I get in trouble for saying that? (Note: Jordan is most certainly not a Nazi).

In other news, Alan Shearer and Newcastle might be safe from the drop and I found out I studied at the 73rd best University in the UK. Oxford is number 1, London South Bank is 117th. Apparently London isn’t looking too appealing in music land either, as The Cribs autumn tour (with Johnny Marr) has not featured the countries capital as a date – shenanigans! Where’s my broom?!

I’m going to go and play football now – I need to run around and probably sweat this influx right out of my head. Make room for some more Sopranos plot. I also wrote a blog for today, I’ll post the link once it’s published.

P.S. I wonder if anyone other than Steve will read this? Do let me know. x